
Generally Accepted Practices in PR

Antigamente era a Arthur Page Society que apresentava o estudo.Agora passou para as mãos da University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication, através do seu centro de Strategic Public Relations. O GAP 5 fala das tendências e das práticas mais correntes de PR espalhadas por esse mundo. É sempre uma referência. O metricsman fala dos aspectos mais inovadores do estudo deste ano. Nomeadamente aborda as questões relativas às BP in Use; a saber:
"Maintain a higher than average ratio of PR budget to gross revenue (GAP PR/GR Ratio).
Report directly and exclusively to the C-Suite.
Optimize the C-Suite’s understanding of PR’s current and potential contributions to the success of the organization as a whole.
Establish an effective social responsibility strategy for your organization.
Establish an effective digital-media strategy for your organization.
Establish an effective issues-management strategy for your organization.
Optimize integration and coordination of PR/Communications, both within the PR/Communications function, and with other organizational functions.
Encourage highly ethical practices across the organization, beginning with communication.
Encourage the organization-wide adoption of a long-term strategic point of view, beginning with communication.
Encourage the organization-wide adoption of a proactive mindset, beginning with communication.
Encourage the organization-wide adoption of a flexible mindset, beginning with communication.
Optimize the integration of PR and reputational considerations into top-level organizational strategies.
Measurably contribute to organizational success".