
A declaração de Barcelona sobre medição de resultados: o início dos "standards"

O PiaR já lhes tinha feito menção; ficam aqui, mais detalhados, para memória futura (retirados de kdp)

1.Importance of goal setting and measurement

◦Goal setting and measurement are fundamental to doing PR
◦Goals should be as quantitative as possible and address who what when and how much the PR program is intended to affect
◦Measurement should include representative traditional and social media as well as target audience changes in awareness comprehension attitude and behavior as applicable.

2.Media measurement requires quantity and quality

Overall clip counts and impressions are usually meaningless. Instead media measurement should account for: Impressions among the target audience
◦Quality including
Credibility (of the author and/or media outlet)
Message Delivery
Inclusion of a 3rd party or company spokesperson
Visual dimentiosn
◦Quality can be negaive, positive or neutral.

3.AVEs are not the value of public relations

Advertising Value Equivalents do not measure the value of public relations and do not inform future activity; They measure the cost of media space. here a comparison is to be made between the cost of space from earned versus paid media, validated metrics such as Weighted Media Cost shold be used and reflect: negotiated advertising rates, quality of coverage, including negative results, phyiscal space of the coverage and the portion of the coverage that is relevant. Mulpilers inteded to reflect a greater WMC for earned versus paid media should never be applied unless proven to exist in the specific case.

4.Social Media Can and Should be measured

•Social media measurement is a discopline not a tool, but there is no single metric
•Organizations need clealry defined goals and outcomes for social media
•Media contenat analysis should be supplemented by web and search analytics sales and CRM data, survey data and other methods
•Evaluating quality and quantiity is critical just as it is with conventional meida
•Given the scale and volume of socila media technolgy-assisted anlaysis may be necessary
•Measurement must focus on conversation and communities not coverage
•Undertanding reach and influence is important, but existing sources are not accepaible, transparent or consistent enough to be reliable. Experimentation and testing are key to success.

5. Measuring Outcomes is preferred to measuring media results

•Outcomes include sifts in awareness, comprehension, attitdue and behavior related to purchase, donations, brand equity, corporate repuration, employee engagement, public policy, investment decisions and other shifts in target audences regarding a company, NGO, govenrment or entityy as well as the audience's own bleiefs and bheaviors
•Benchmark and tracking survey research are the preferred practices for quantitative measurement (this will be changed to include web analytics and other methodologies.
•Standard best pracices in survey resrarch including sample design, question wording and order and staytistical analysis should be applied in total transparaency.

6. Organizational results and outcomes should be measured whenever possible

• Models that determine the effects of the quantity and quality of PR outputs on sales or other business metrics, while acocunting for other variables that drive sales are a preferred choice for measuring consumer or brand marketing. Related points are:
•Clients are creating demand for market mix modesl to evaluate he impact of consumer marketing
•The PR industry needs to understand the value and implicationsof market mix models for accurate evaluation of consumer marketing PR in contrast to other measurement approaches
•The PR industry needs to develop PR measures that can provide relaible input into market mix models
•Survey resaerch can also be used to isolate the change in purchasing pourchase preference or attitude shift resulting from exposure to PR initiatives.

7. Transparency and replicatbility are paramut to sound measurement

• PR measurement should be done in a manner that is transparent and replicable meaning the detailing of:
•Media measurement: Quantitative source of the content, print, broadcast internet consumer generated media along with criteria used for collection. Qualitative human or automated tone reach to target, content overall media impact
◦Methodology sampling frame and size, margin of error probability or non probablity;questions all should be released as asked; statistical methodolgy and how specific metrics are calculated.